Dylan S. Roberts is an independent actor and director living in the Chicago area. A company member with Midsommer Flight since 2013, he most recently directed Twelfth Night and played Antonio in The Tempest in 2019. Other recent directing credits include Hamlet with Fleeing Artists Theatre, Love’s Labour’s Lost with Invictus Theatre Co. and Private Lives, by Noel Coward, with Metropolis Performing Arts Center. Additionally, he  co-founded the Framework Theatre Collective. With the Framework Dylan adapted King Lear as a radio play, and adapted and directed The Marriage Proposal: A One Act in Three Acts by Anton Chekhov, and a modern retelling of Antigone, which he also directed.  Dylan proudly graduated with a degree in directing and theatre arts from the University of Wisconsin at Parkside. A debonair menswear enthusiast, he can usually be found with a glass of single malt in his hand.

Dylan S. Roberts

Phil's been in Chicago for 13 years, performing on various stages and behind various microphones in that time. He's been an actor, a teacher, a tour guide, a scientist, but his biggest and most important role right now is father to a four year old. Like Dylan, Phil also graduated from UW-Parkside with a theatre degree and can't wait to use it to dig into the world of children's programming.

Phil Zimmerman

Episode 37: Sick Daze
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 37: Sick Daze

The flu ran through one house, a rare reaction to medicated skin cream in another, sick kid after sick kid after sick spouse after sick selves- our households have been fighting the good fight all month. BUT! Dylan and Phil never say die (unless playing laser tag)! We've managed to put together a brand new episode all about those sick days we spent home from school in the 90's, and what our kids' sick day experience is like in this age of endless screens.

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Episode 36: Sonic 3
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 36: Sonic 3

Gotta go fast! Dylan and Phil FINALLY get out to see a movie together with their kids, and it couldn’t have been a better choice. We share our thoughts on the latest addition to the Sonic The Hedgehog movie franchise, relive our kid’s birthday parties, and engage in the deadliest game of Laser Tag this side of the Mississippi.

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Episode 35: Home Alone/ The Grinch - Season 2 Finale
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Episode 35: Home Alone/ The Grinch - Season 2 Finale

Season finale already? Wow, what a decade this year has been. You deserve a treat! It’s an extra-length special holiday episode of Hop On Pop Culture! Phil and Dylan debate the ethics of making their kids believe in Santa Clause, make some recommendations for board games for the family, and expose their children to violence and larceny via the Christmas classics Home Alone, and The Grinch.

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Bonus Content: The Funerary Follies of Phil’s Family
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Bonus Content: The Funerary Follies of Phil’s Family

Hop On Pop Culture co-host Phil performed a reading of his Live Lit piece “Funerary Follies” at a pop event hosted by Seyna Secreto ( on November 16th of this year. Phil recounts a Thanksgiving family curse and the impact it had on his grandmother’s funeral in this hilarious 11 minute tale. First performed for Big Talk Podcasts Based On A True Story, this reading is a mixture of truth and fairly obvious lies. Happy Thanksgiving, may it not be you!

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Episode 34: Inside Out
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 34: Inside Out

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and feelings at the dinner table are guaranteed to be running HIGH this year. Why not give yourself an emotional vocabulary and a respite with a family movie night? Dylan and Phil set off from Friendship Island to explore Inside Out 1 & 2, a couple of their kids' favorites.

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Episode 33: Goosebumps
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 33: Goosebumps

Episode 33: Goosebumps

With Halloween on the horizon, we’re looking for age appropriate horror for our kiddos. Luckily R.L. Stine is a prolific author of young reader horror, and now we get to share his work with ours! Take a nostalgic stroll through the Scholastic Book Fair of Horror as we talk about Goosebumps books, TV adaptations, and movies. Listener beware, you’re in for a scare!

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Episode 32: Double Feature! IF/Garfield The Movie
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 32: Double Feature! IF/Garfield The Movie

There’s nothing quite like a day at the movies to beat the heat in summer. Come catch a matinee double feature with us as we talk about taking our kids into movie theaters and review the family summer movies If and Garfield the Movie. You will find us in the matinée, the dark of the matinée. It's better in the matinée, the dark of the matinée. (Remember, you get points for getting our references and we are keeping score).

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Episode 31: Birthday Parties
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 31: Birthday Parties

We’re taking you into the world of kid’s birthday parties. We discuss the different kinds of dads you might find in this most unusual of events.. Are you a “business” dad or a “playoff game on tv” dad? Also, we dive into the world of the child rat casino that is Chuck E. Cheese.

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Episode 30: Pokémon
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 30: Pokémon

When our kids turn 10, we plan to send them out into the world on their own, expected to tame wild animals and train them to fight for money. Actually, considering the state of the world these may not be bad skills to hone… It’s our most manically musical episode yet, as Phil and Dylan go north on Route 1 to talk about the world of Pokémon!

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Episode 29: Candy Land
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 29: Candy Land

We venture into the sweetest land of them all, Candy Land. Did you know that they’ve tried to make this game into a movie 3 times?!? We discuss that, along with all the other games we’re playing right now, and so much more!

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Episode 28: Maurice Sendak
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 28: Maurice Sendak

This episode is all about the wild things that dwell in the night kitchen, outside over there. In other words, we’re talking about Maurice Sendak! Let the wild rumpus start!

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Episode 27: HOPC After Bedtime
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 27: HOPC After Bedtime

Having finally put their children to sleep, Dylan and Phil take some time to reflect on their own media consumption when they aren’t with the kiddos. We’re talking about bedtime routines, what we’re watching late at night, and the various addictions that have befallen our co-hosts. Apropos of nothing, does anyone know of any support groups for people who play too much Civ 6? Asking for a Phil. A friend!

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Episode 26: Big City Greens
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 26: Big City Greens

It’s so wonderful when your kid becomes obsessed with a show you also really enjoy. Dylan and Phil swap storm damage, do a bunch of swearing right off the bat, and then dive into Big City Greens, a surprisingly sophisticated show about a country family moving to the city. It’s like Beverly Hillbillies, but they’re poor!

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Episode 25: Frog and Toad Part 2
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 25: Frog and Toad Part 2

Phil and Dylan are friends! In their first sequel episode, Dylan and Phil spend some time ruminating on getting a new sponsor while discussing the cottage core show Frog & Toad. They also reminisce on D&D snacks, the super bowl, and Betsy Sodaro.

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Episode 24: Frozen
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 24: Frozen

It’s finally here. The franchise that spawned an ear worm worse than Ceti Alpha 5. Dylan and Phil navigate a frozen musical wasteland, geek out over a friend’s accomplishment, and survive a pack of wild Tilda Swinton. And yes, that is also the plural, let it go.

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Episode 23: Robin Hood
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 23: Robin Hood

Dylan Hood and Little Phil, recording another podcast, laughing back and forth at what the other has to say. Reminiscing this and that and having such a good time, oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day.

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Episode 22: Indoor Places for Winter
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 22: Indoor Places for Winter

Put down those iPads and switch off those Nintendos, it’s time for some hands on, educational fun! Dylan and Phil review their favorite places to take their kiddos indoors during Chicago’s slushy, eternal winters. From the Field Museum to Exploratorium, we go on a winding adventure rivaled only by Bob Newhart’s walk home.

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Episode 21: The Nightmare Before Christmas - BONUS HOLIDAY EPISODE
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 21: The Nightmare Before Christmas - BONUS HOLIDAY EPISODE

Happy holidays! Did you think we’d forget about you? We got you a whole new episode of HOPC, wherein Dylan and Phil compare their end of year playlist statistics and then wax nostalgic over the now classic Nightmare Before Christmas. But what’s this? Phil is about to reveal hidden truths to Dylan about his son? What drama! You’re welcome!

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Episode 20: Season 1 Finale!
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 20: Season 1 Finale!

Has it really been 20 episodes already? It feels like only yesterday Dylan and Phil were learning how to make a podcast in their basements, and now we’ve got a high octane retrospective of season one on our hands. Buckle up and study up, because you know we like a good pop quiz around here. Dylan and Phil recap every topic from this first season under the gaze of a strict timer.

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Episode 19: TROLLS
Big Talk Podcasts Big Talk Podcasts

Episode 19: TROLLS

On the verge of becoming a trilogy, the Trolls franchise has a chance to redeem itself from a weak initial offering followed by an excellent sequel. Finally, a chance for Phil to talk about the only music he’s ever allowed to play in the car ever again (send help in the form of pizza rolls, please). Also, an uninvited guest in the booth!?

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